Have you ever been in a kitchen that didn’t have the flow it needs? Not because it’s an unfamiliar space or a friend’s kitchen, but because it obstructs you from doing certain things. Maybe a drawer opens up but is blocked by a cabinet. You’re familiar with how a kitchen is set up. There are standard features such as the fridge, stove, sink, cabinets, countertops, etc. What you may not have realized is that there’s actually a science for a kitchen layout. Here’s what you need to know about proper kitchen ergonomics.

What does kitchen ergonomics actually mean?

Hearing the word “ergonomics” is usually associated with offices, fitness, crafts, and more. Usually, you don’t hear too much about kitchen ergonomics. Whether you’re cooking a five-course meal or heating up leftovers from the night before, you need to be comfortable using the kitchen. Everything should be in a comfortable reach no matter where you are in the kitchen. Not only does it help with organization, but relieves frustration when you’re in the thick of cooking and need to grab extra supplies. You have to consider things like:

  • Reaching & Working Height: The average height of the cabinets and space varies from source to source because the height of people varies. Instead of going with the industry standard, it’s easier to go with the average height of the family. The perfect height is when the person can stand comfortably at the counter with their elbows and forearms at a 45-degree angle. Even standing at the sink, you shouldn’t have to slump down to do the dishes.
Kitchen Ergonomics: What You Need To Know 1
  • Navigating The Space: The best setup for the kitchen is a triangle. There should be an equal distance between the sink, stove, and refrigerator. This helps keep the flow going with cooking. It also prevents you from running back and forth in the kitchen reducing the risk of accidents and injury.
  • Flooring: Flooring is often overlooked in a kitchen. The main concern is being easy to clean and waterproof. What you may not realize is that you can use materials like cork and bamboo flooring that’s spongy and perfect for longer sessions in the kitchen.